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Curatorial Services

In addition to providing collectors with a catalogue of diverse artwork, Black Pony Gallery also offers curatorial services.

As an art collector, I understand the personal nature of art collecting. Whether it is for your home or your office areas, artwork communicates much more than an aesthetic choice.

Artwork can energize a space, create moments of reflection, clarify a brand, and connect with relevant social issues or histories. Working together, we can address your artwork needs while staying on budget.

As a former educator and art museum director, I offer my knowledgeable creative eye as well as the ability to augment a collection with didactics and editorial as needed.

Black Pony Gallery features artists from the mid-Atlantic Caribbean and has access to a range of visual art talent from the wider region. In addition, many of the artists I work with are available for commissions. Let’s talk soon about developing your art collection.

Project Highlights

Curatorial Services List

  • Guide private collectors and corporate entities in selecting artwork based on design palettes and budgets
  • Give direction on artwork placement and framing
  • Review international art fairs, expos, and biennials for artwork options
  • Connect with artists and gallerists in the region

And, when relevant:

  • Provide didactics (text panels, artwork labels, professional development for staff)
  • Write editorial on the collection
  • Deliver art tours of the collection for VIP guests

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