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Leonor Almeida Pereira
- Azores

Leonor Almeida Pereira
- Azores

Leonor Almeida Pereira is a mixed media artist currently living in São Miguel Island, the Azores. The island is present either as a subject in itself or simply as a wider and deeper circumstance. Her artwork is understood as the outcome of a specific circumstance defined by the materials and tools she gathers to establish a dialogue. The final object is shaped throughout this process and stands as evidence of the transformations agreed along the way. Having paper as a main material, she explores its qualities,sometimes appealing to its resistance by cutting or tearing to reach hidden layers or molding it to create textures, volumes, or simply using it as surface to draw or paint, aspace to act on and interact with.

Ms. Pereira, or Loope as she would prefer to be called, has a degree in Fine Arts – Painting, from the University of Évora, Portugal and a specialization in contemporary artstudies, a Masters and Doctorate in Fine Arts, from the University of Vigo, Spain. In São Miguel, her birthplace, she has been a coordinator at the Arquipélago Contemporary Art Center and a curator at the Museum Carlos Machado. In 2018 she opened Oficina in Ponta Delgada, an art gallery and studio, where she creates her artwork and promotes the work of other artists, local and foreign.